Yes, they definitely played really awesome, especially that Thai man, Ekachai Jearakul, fhhh..he blasted the audiences with his well-trained playing. And I am really interested with the jazzy composition he played. It's called His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej Suite. Due to an unfamiliar name then I googled it, I found that the man is a King of Thailand which is also an jazz musician. Quote from Wikipedia :
" Bhumibol is an accomplished jazz musician and composer, particularly for his works on the alto saxophone. He was the first Asian composer awarded honorary membership of the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts in Vienna at the age of 32.[88] He used to play jazz music on air on the Or Sor radio station. In his travels, he has played with such jazz legends as Benny Goodman, Jack Teagarden, Lionel Hampton, Maynard Ferguson, and Preservation Hall Jazz Band. His songs can often be heard at social gatherings and concerts."
Holey s**t, isn't it cool?
In that show Opus '78 Ensemble also performed as a guest star along with those artists. Despite all the time management probs, some friends told me that we played really good and audiences love it.
Anyway, here's some pictures. More professional ones will be upload soon

Ekachai Jearakul, a young, thrilling and very talented guitarists

A moment before Opus' performance (really wondered how Mr. Fritz got this idea ;) )

Opus'78 Ensemble featuring the artists (just a snapshot, more to come later)

After the show, (left to right: Dito, Mr. Lee, Edwin van Halen, I Zappa, Caessario, Mr. Rony, Al)
See you in the next concert, guys...