He's a living legend. He's a truly guitar innovator. Jeff Beck never dared to renew his music, from early his career till now he has been collaborating with so many musicians, in his generation or the young guns.
This DVD was made in his series concerts in Ronnie Scott's (London), features the best performances recorded on each tracks. Also performed here are Joss Stone, Imogen Heap, and Eric Clapton as very special guest.
Rabu, 21 Desember 2011
Senin, 24 Oktober 2011
my proud little sister
After have annoyingly strummed my guitar, went to several newspaper webs, etc, I stumble upon my little sister's blog. It's not a fancy writing nor an ambitious one, mostly just a journal about daily events she has dealt. And ah, her dreams and viewpoints too.
So then I saw one of the picture she posted there. It was a presentation slide, a seminar proposal examination. Yes, she's undoubtedly the smartest among us, her brothers. Funny, and proudly as well, realizing that this my little sister has accomplished this far in her education career, for I always have been imagining her name being written formally on a junior high school's note/exercise-book :). I think that's because I left my hometown in year when she was in junior-high, thus the memory of her often comes as a junior high student figure :D
Anyhow, the good luck sis, keep pursuing your dreams. We are so proud of you.
So then I saw one of the picture she posted there. It was a presentation slide, a seminar proposal examination. Yes, she's undoubtedly the smartest among us, her brothers. Funny, and proudly as well, realizing that this my little sister has accomplished this far in her education career, for I always have been imagining her name being written formally on a junior high school's note/exercise-book :). I think that's because I left my hometown in year when she was in junior-high, thus the memory of her often comes as a junior high student figure :D
Anyhow, the good luck sis, keep pursuing your dreams. We are so proud of you.
Senin, 29 Agustus 2011
sing trip
karena ga jadi ikutan sparring tenes ke singapore awal juni kemaren, jadilah akhir juli gw memutuskan berangkat sendiri kesana
ya engga lah cyinn....ini gw ke sing akhir juli kemaren bukan buat tenes tapi krn urusan kantor (jalan2 ama kantor maksudnya, hehe), next time mgkn bakal jalan2 kesananya bareng anak2 tenes..amiin..
beberapa perpotoannya, some of them might be too nasty to look at :p
preman MRT

ya engga lah cyinn....ini gw ke sing akhir juli kemaren bukan buat tenes tapi krn urusan kantor (jalan2 ama kantor maksudnya, hehe), next time mgkn bakal jalan2 kesananya bareng anak2 tenes..amiin..
beberapa perpotoannya, some of them might be too nasty to look at :p

preman MRT
abg labil, hahaha..

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011
me goes linux
setelah ngalong hampir 7 jam di Dunkin Donuts Hayam Wuruk dgn modal pesen iced cappuccino n lipton hot black tea, akhirnya kelar juga install linux (distronya pake Ubuntu 11.04)...
thanks to bro Audrick yg udah bantu ngasih bbrp customized gadget a la MacOS dan tentunya Hot Spot dunkin yang fenomenal (recommended abis deh), sehingga screenshot desktop laptop gw yg baru bisa nampang dimari, hihiih....
say hi....
thanks to bro Audrick yg udah bantu ngasih bbrp customized gadget a la MacOS dan tentunya Hot Spot dunkin yang fenomenal (recommended abis deh), sehingga screenshot desktop laptop gw yg baru bisa nampang dimari, hihiih....
say hi....

Rabu, 13 Juli 2011
little souvenir from the past
her sudden presence reminds me of one little thing I had years and years ago
those memories, only me and God know, flashed once again
it brings excitement, fairly the same the way it has appeared before
yet it seems to become an unsolved puzzle at the very end
the situations, the facts... the do's and don'ts people might say
As Einstein once said, " God doesn't play dice with the universe",
perhaps this is just one ordinary chapter.. or not, who knows
and it has started to arise again.....
quote from Jack Johnson's Do You Remember:
Well, I was crazy about you then and nowThe craziest thing of all, over ten years have gone by
And you're still mine, we're locked in time
Let's rewind
I believe that this facebook world is just a fake world, pseudo reality, simulation of the truth which has brutally eaten the truth itself ..
So there is no point to write a stupid-mellow lines up there and consider that they are socializing ..
Actually I myself feel a little bit bizarre with this fact,
This is nothing more than 21 inches monitor screen with computer bytes inside it, the REAL WORLD is way way way beyond it, man..

Salute to those who manipulates this media as a tool to reach their goal and perhaps at some point makes themselves better. Poor you people who are remain locked in this small box, continue regretting your desperate empty life by just writing and writing some fatigue, childish, and narcist notes and things, without taking any actions needed ..
like anybody care..
like they really do care..
(posted 2 years ago in my fb notes)
So there is no point to write a stupid-mellow lines up there and consider that they are socializing ..
Actually I myself feel a little bit bizarre with this fact,
This is nothing more than 21 inches monitor screen with computer bytes inside it, the REAL WORLD is way way way beyond it, man..

Salute to those who manipulates this media as a tool to reach their goal and perhaps at some point makes themselves better. Poor you people who are remain locked in this small box, continue regretting your desperate empty life by just writing and writing some fatigue, childish, and narcist notes and things, without taking any actions needed ..
like anybody care..
like they really do care..
(posted 2 years ago in my fb notes)
Senin, 11 Juli 2011
Untuk ukuran blog berusia setahun lebih yg postingannya udah lumayan banyak, judul diatas mungkin sedikit agak rada kurang layak ya. Gw tadinya punya bbrp altenatif sih, mis.:
"halo blog ga keurus, masi idup?"
"kembali ke leptop"
dsb, dsb.
Eh dsb ini nama boyband juga loh, itu tuh yg salah satu personelnya ada nick carter, yg nanyiin as long as you love me.hahhaha
Bek tu bisnis, judul tes tes diatas sebenernya ancang-ancang gw mau mulai ngeblog lagi, maklum lah akhir2 ini tawaran syuting lagi banyak (khususnya syuting pemeran pengganti adegan kelindes tronton, jatuh dari gedung tingat 42, dll) jadi bener2 ga keurus dan ga sempat nulis. Lagipula emang ga ada bahan mau nulis apa, bwakwkkwkak...
Untung aja gw barusan liat2 blog teman n web2 penulis favorit makanya langsung keingat dah kalo gue sendiri juga punya blog, hehehh. Tapi tetep aja ora ono ide mau nullis apa..gitu ganti. Mungkin itu jg sebabnya visitor counter blog gw ini cuma dikit kyk upil di pagi hari (metafora yg aneh!), jangan2 pengunjungnya cuma gw seorang lagi, waaaaa....(ayo, yg buka blog ini unjuk jari plis..)
eh berhubung random yah, gw baru aja nemuin seniman keren bgt di youtube, namanya Jack Conte. Doi ini selayaknya orang2 di luar sana yg ingin mempromosikan musiknya via youtube lah..musiknya orisinal bgt, eksperimental tp enjoyable abis. Kalo dikategorikan mungkin doi masuk di genre pop elektronik kali ya, tp gak juga ding soalnya samplingnya dr instrumen musik beneran kyk violin, cello, gitar, piano, dll..ahh bingung, pokoknya enak musiknya. Tp kalo dari segi lirik sih kurang ngerti, soalnya liriknya abstrak bgt. Setelah nelusur kesana kemari ternyata iTunes udh rilis bbrp single doi (yeahh), dan udh ada CD nya pula.
Yg lebih keren lagi, di salah satu videonya (Mario Bros cover) yg di-take di studio doi yg mirip2 basement gak keurus tapi penuh dgn alat2 musik vintage, kyk gitar rickenbaker lah, synthesizer, keyboard, n piano yg jelas2 antik banget...ah it's must be a heaven workin in a such place @_@
Kalo mau liat karya2 doi lbh lanjut, cek aja channelnya di YouTube.
Anyway, kyknya itu doang yg bisa jadi topik yak, wkwkwkw.
Sebelum hidung gw tambah meler, sekian dulu untuk kali ini..besok2 di lanjut lagi dgn postingan yg lebih bermutu, gaoel, dan terpertjaja..
Kalo gw ga ada syuting, kalo ga lupa, kalo gw ga males, kalo ada bahan tulisan, hahahaha..
"halo blog ga keurus, masi idup?"
"kembali ke leptop"
dsb, dsb.
Eh dsb ini nama boyband juga loh, itu tuh yg salah satu personelnya ada nick carter, yg nanyiin as long as you love me.hahhaha
Bek tu bisnis, judul tes tes diatas sebenernya ancang-ancang gw mau mulai ngeblog lagi, maklum lah akhir2 ini tawaran syuting lagi banyak (khususnya syuting pemeran pengganti adegan kelindes tronton, jatuh dari gedung tingat 42, dll) jadi bener2 ga keurus dan ga sempat nulis. Lagipula emang ga ada bahan mau nulis apa, bwakwkkwkak...
Untung aja gw barusan liat2 blog teman n web2 penulis favorit makanya langsung keingat dah kalo gue sendiri juga punya blog, hehehh. Tapi tetep aja ora ono ide mau nullis apa..gitu ganti. Mungkin itu jg sebabnya visitor counter blog gw ini cuma dikit kyk upil di pagi hari (metafora yg aneh!), jangan2 pengunjungnya cuma gw seorang lagi, waaaaa....(ayo, yg buka blog ini unjuk jari plis..)
eh berhubung random yah, gw baru aja nemuin seniman keren bgt di youtube, namanya Jack Conte. Doi ini selayaknya orang2 di luar sana yg ingin mempromosikan musiknya via youtube lah..musiknya orisinal bgt, eksperimental tp enjoyable abis. Kalo dikategorikan mungkin doi masuk di genre pop elektronik kali ya, tp gak juga ding soalnya samplingnya dr instrumen musik beneran kyk violin, cello, gitar, piano, dll..ahh bingung, pokoknya enak musiknya. Tp kalo dari segi lirik sih kurang ngerti, soalnya liriknya abstrak bgt. Setelah nelusur kesana kemari ternyata iTunes udh rilis bbrp single doi (yeahh), dan udh ada CD nya pula.
Yg lebih keren lagi, di salah satu videonya (Mario Bros cover) yg di-take di studio doi yg mirip2 basement gak keurus tapi penuh dgn alat2 musik vintage, kyk gitar rickenbaker lah, synthesizer, keyboard, n piano yg jelas2 antik banget...ah it's must be a heaven workin in a such place @_@
Kalo mau liat karya2 doi lbh lanjut, cek aja channelnya di YouTube.
Anyway, kyknya itu doang yg bisa jadi topik yak, wkwkwkw.
Sebelum hidung gw tambah meler, sekian dulu untuk kali ini..besok2 di lanjut lagi dgn postingan yg lebih bermutu, gaoel, dan terpertjaja..
Kalo gw ga ada syuting, kalo ga lupa, kalo gw ga males, kalo ada bahan tulisan, hahahaha..
Jumat, 06 Mei 2011
didn't you hear the time clicks?
minutes pass by
and as the last second breaks
the wind tells me why
minutes pass by
and as the last second breaks
the wind tells me why
I'm unnoticed
Senin, 18 April 2011
Guitar in Harmony - report
It was right a week ago when the Ensemble held a concert in Erasmus Huis. For me, it's my second performance on that stage.
The overall performance itself, frankly speaking, was less than what we hoped for. Some claimed that the ensemble materials were too much, but I think it was mostly caused by members' lack of practice (including me, surely)..yea yea yea
talkin' bout my solo performance, people.. :D
Surprisingly I was thrilling, staggering, while performing the first piece, Seymour Simmons' All of Me.. I don't know why, I've played plenty of Opus' show (ensemble, quintet, n solo)...damn, but that night I felt awkward, kinda starting from scratch situation. Ah. Fuck. If you have watched my upload video playing the same piece two months ago, I would have played it without any mistakes two months later. To make it worse, I didn't perform using my own guitar and the instrument I borrowed lost its fret marker. Ah. Fuck again.
The second piece I played quiet good, even though I believe I can play it better and more loose.
Well anyway, Ive promised to have a more scheduled practice session. As a matter of fact, this writing would be my alarm if I ever had another lack of care about it.
talkin bout the quintet perofrmance(boys from Opus)...
Yup, quintet is a musical performance consists of five players playing together. You might noticed that in July last year we also played quintet. This time there are two players replaced another two, so boys from Opus is Fariz, Andrew, Ray, Caessar, and me Brad Pitt =)). To make it more interesting, we placed a young shine guitarist, Ale, to conduct us.
Rumour has it that audience loved the performance. Yeahh
talkin bout ensemble performance..
It was already written the first two paragraphs, wasn't it? :))
See you in another show,
the moment that some eyes catchperforming Seymour Simmons - All of Me (arr. R Dyens)
The overall performance itself, frankly speaking, was less than what we hoped for. Some claimed that the ensemble materials were too much, but I think it was mostly caused by members' lack of practice (including me, surely)..yea yea yea
talkin' bout my solo performance, people.. :D
Surprisingly I was thrilling, staggering, while performing the first piece, Seymour Simmons' All of Me.. I don't know why, I've played plenty of Opus' show (ensemble, quintet, n solo)...damn, but that night I felt awkward, kinda starting from scratch situation. Ah. Fuck. If you have watched my upload video playing the same piece two months ago, I would have played it without any mistakes two months later. To make it worse, I didn't perform using my own guitar and the instrument I borrowed lost its fret marker. Ah. Fuck again.
The second piece I played quiet good, even though I believe I can play it better and more loose.
Well anyway, Ive promised to have a more scheduled practice session. As a matter of fact, this writing would be my alarm if I ever had another lack of care about it.
talkin bout the quintet perofrmance(boys from Opus)...
Yup, quintet is a musical performance consists of five players playing together. You might noticed that in July last year we also played quintet. This time there are two players replaced another two, so boys from Opus is Fariz, Andrew, Ray, Caessar, and me Brad Pitt =)). To make it more interesting, we placed a young shine guitarist, Ale, to conduct us.
Rumour has it that audience loved the performance. Yeahh
talkin bout ensemble performance..
It was already written the first two paragraphs, wasn't it? :))
See you in another show,
the moment that some eyes catchperforming Seymour Simmons - All of Me (arr. R Dyens)
performing Kotaro Oshio's Red Shoes Dance
Minggu, 03 April 2011
guitar in harmony - opus concert
You are invited to attend !
Find your ticket on the spot
... or order prior the show at Opus'78 page
Guitar in Harmony
Tuesday, July 12 2011
07.30 pm or 19.30 wib
at Erasmus Huis, Jakarta
your ticket sample:

Find your ticket on the spot
... or order prior the show at Opus'78 page
Guitar in Harmony
Tuesday, July 12 2011
07.30 pm or 19.30 wib
at Erasmus Huis, Jakarta
your ticket sample:

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011
Kamis, 03 Maret 2011
hoax about popular people death: for gag or for ad?
Di jam-jam malas seperti sekarang, 16:30 WIB, kala pikiran sudah di awang-awang antara urusan kerjaan dan non-kerjaan, gue iseng buka trend Google,. Tidak ada yang begitu menarik, kecuali di bagian Hot Searches (USA) yakni berita tentang kematian Jim Carrey menempati urutan ke-5. What da...??
Berhubung gw adalah salah satu pengagum Carrey (by the way, bukan Ace Ventura, The Mask, atau film-film dia yang terakhir yg menurut gw adalah pencapaian akting tertinggi dia, melainkan Man On The Moon - film yang diangkat dari kisah nyata komedian Andy Kauffman), gw langsunglah mau mengkonfirmasi berita tersebut. Sebenarnya udah feeling kalau berita tersebut bohong belaka, tapi jemari gue tetap mengklik sana-sini link-link yang memuat berita terkait.
Yah seperti yang bisa ditebak, the news is purely 100% hoax. Isi lengkap rumor yang mengatakan kalau Carrey mati karena kecelakaan snowboarding di Swiss itu gak tau awal mulanya siapa yang menyulut dan gue juga gak berminat nelusurin sampai sejauh itu. Lebih-lebih lagi di salah satu (or dua) link mengatakan kalau beberapa selebriti juga pernah mengalami pemberitaan yang tidak bertanggung jawab tsb (tewas krn kecelakaan snowboarding) diantaranya Eddie Murphy, Adam Sandler, Owen Wilson, dll.
Yang bikin gue heran adalah berita yang notabene sudah berulang dan ketahuan hoax kyk gini kok masih bisa menjadi trend berita tertinggi di dunia maya. Prediksi awal gw sih krn ulah-ulah netter pencari trafik kunjungan yang mana dengan gw mem-post hal beginian di blog gw secara tidak langsung sudah membantu menaikkan trafik hoax tsb..(hahaha..cape deh)
Berhubung gw adalah salah satu pengagum Carrey (by the way, bukan Ace Ventura, The Mask, atau film-film dia yang terakhir yg menurut gw adalah pencapaian akting tertinggi dia, melainkan Man On The Moon - film yang diangkat dari kisah nyata komedian Andy Kauffman), gw langsunglah mau mengkonfirmasi berita tersebut. Sebenarnya udah feeling kalau berita tersebut bohong belaka, tapi jemari gue tetap mengklik sana-sini link-link yang memuat berita terkait.
Yah seperti yang bisa ditebak, the news is purely 100% hoax. Isi lengkap rumor yang mengatakan kalau Carrey mati karena kecelakaan snowboarding di Swiss itu gak tau awal mulanya siapa yang menyulut dan gue juga gak berminat nelusurin sampai sejauh itu. Lebih-lebih lagi di salah satu (or dua) link mengatakan kalau beberapa selebriti juga pernah mengalami pemberitaan yang tidak bertanggung jawab tsb (tewas krn kecelakaan snowboarding) diantaranya Eddie Murphy, Adam Sandler, Owen Wilson, dll.
Yang bikin gue heran adalah berita yang notabene sudah berulang dan ketahuan hoax kyk gini kok masih bisa menjadi trend berita tertinggi di dunia maya. Prediksi awal gw sih krn ulah-ulah netter pencari trafik kunjungan yang mana dengan gw mem-post hal beginian di blog gw secara tidak langsung sudah membantu menaikkan trafik hoax tsb..(hahaha..cape deh)
Rabu, 02 Maret 2011
dancing red shoes, 2nd take
And below is the other tune I played on that session
Kotaro Oshio - Red Shoes Dance
Kotaro Oshio - Red Shoes Dance
Minggu, 13 Februari 2011
Seymour Simmons - All Of Me (arr. by Roland Dyens)
It was one practice session in Opus' base camp. Mr. Ronny insisted me to play in front of a digicam my friend has. Well, what can I say then ;)
Seymour Simmons - All Of Me (arr. Roland Dyens)
Seymour Simmons - All Of Me (arr. Roland Dyens)
Kamis, 20 Januari 2011
Jumat, 07 Januari 2011
dancing red shoes
Entah apa yg merasuki gw sampe akhir2 ini rajin ngeupload video cover ke youtube, haha..
Anyway, here's my cover of Kotaro Oshio's swing tune, Red Shoes Dance. And surely let your red shoes, or whatever color they are, dance.. ;)
Anyway, here's my cover of Kotaro Oshio's swing tune, Red Shoes Dance. And surely let your red shoes, or whatever color they are, dance.. ;)
Selasa, 04 Januari 2011
This is my first attempt, hopefully I'll play much better in a few weeks ahead.
Mombasa, is a track number three from Tommy Emmanuel's album, Only (1999) and was written while on a trip to Africa. It is a favorite at his shows.
Anyway, enjoy..
Mombasa, is a track number three from Tommy Emmanuel's album, Only (1999) and was written while on a trip to Africa. It is a favorite at his shows.
Anyway, enjoy..
Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011
year two thousand eleven
Year 2011, a newly one.
After some life's events in the previous year - silly target in my work, doing exciting things which I've never done before, my beloved brother got married, silly romance, etc. - , I am just hoping that this rabbit year would bring more luck to me, to us, to the world. Leading us to a better life. Amiin...
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