Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

little souvenir from the past

her sudden presence reminds me of one little thing I had years and years ago
those memories, only me and God know, flashed once again
it brings excitement, fairly the same the way it has appeared before
yet it seems to become an unsolved puzzle at the very end

the situations, the facts... the do's and don'ts people might say

As Einstein once said, " God doesn't play dice with the universe",
perhaps this is just one ordinary chapter.. or not, who knows

and it has started to arise again.....

quote from Jack Johnson's Do You Remember:

Well, I was crazy about you then and now
The craziest thing of all, over ten years have gone by
And you're still mine, we're locked in time
Let's rewind



I believe that this facebook world is just a fake world, pseudo reality, simulation of the truth which has brutally eaten the truth itself ..
So there is no point to write a stupid-mellow lines up there and consider that they are socializing ..
Actually I myself feel a little bit bizarre with this fact,

This is nothing more than 21 inches monitor screen with computer bytes inside it, the REAL WORLD is way way way beyond it, man..

Salute to those who manipulates this media as a tool to reach their goal and perhaps at some point makes themselves better. Poor you people who are remain locked in this small box, continue regretting your desperate empty life by just writing and writing some fatigue, childish, and narcist notes and things, without taking any actions needed ..
like anybody care..
like they really do care

(posted 2 years ago in my fb notes)

Senin, 11 Juli 2011


Untuk ukuran blog berusia setahun lebih yg postingannya udah lumayan banyak, judul diatas mungkin sedikit agak rada kurang layak ya. Gw tadinya punya bbrp altenatif sih, mis.:

"halo blog ga keurus, masi idup?"
"kembali ke leptop"
dsb, dsb.

Eh dsb ini nama boyband juga loh, itu tuh yg salah satu personelnya ada nick carter, yg nanyiin as long as you love me.hahhaha

Bek tu bisnis, judul tes tes diatas sebenernya ancang-ancang gw mau mulai ngeblog lagi, maklum lah akhir2 ini tawaran syuting lagi banyak (khususnya syuting pemeran pengganti adegan kelindes tronton, jatuh dari gedung tingat 42, dll) jadi bener2 ga keurus dan ga sempat nulis. Lagipula emang ga ada bahan mau nulis apa, bwakwkkwkak...

Untung aja gw barusan liat2 blog teman n web2 penulis favorit makanya langsung keingat dah kalo gue sendiri juga punya blog, hehehh. Tapi tetep aja ora ono ide mau nullis apa..gitu ganti. Mungkin itu jg sebabnya visitor counter blog gw ini cuma dikit kyk upil di pagi hari (metafora yg aneh!), jangan2 pengunjungnya cuma gw seorang lagi, waaaaa....(ayo, yg buka blog ini unjuk jari plis..)

eh berhubung random yah, gw baru aja nemuin seniman keren bgt di youtube, namanya Jack Conte. Doi ini selayaknya orang2 di luar sana yg ingin mempromosikan musiknya via youtube lah..musiknya orisinal bgt, eksperimental tp enjoyable abis. Kalo dikategorikan mungkin doi masuk di genre pop elektronik kali ya, tp gak juga ding soalnya samplingnya dr instrumen musik beneran kyk violin, cello, gitar, piano, dll..ahh bingung, pokoknya enak musiknya. Tp kalo dari segi lirik sih kurang ngerti, soalnya liriknya abstrak bgt. Setelah nelusur kesana kemari ternyata iTunes udh rilis bbrp single doi (yeahh), dan udh ada CD nya pula.
Yg lebih keren lagi, di salah satu videonya (Mario Bros cover) yg di-take di studio doi yg mirip2 basement gak keurus tapi penuh dgn alat2 musik vintage, kyk gitar rickenbaker lah, synthesizer, keyboard, n piano yg jelas2 antik banget...ah it's must be a heaven workin in a such place @_@
Kalo mau liat karya2 doi lbh lanjut, cek aja channelnya di YouTube.

Anyway, kyknya itu doang yg bisa jadi topik yak, wkwkwkw.

Sebelum hidung gw tambah meler, sekian dulu untuk kali ini..besok2 di lanjut lagi dgn postingan yg lebih bermutu, gaoel, dan terpertjaja..
Kalo gw ga ada syuting, kalo ga lupa, kalo gw ga males, kalo ada bahan tulisan, hahahaha..
